College Preparation and Resources

AMHS provides a free web-based resource, MaiaLearning, to all students and their parents located on the Student and Parent Portal under Frequently Accessed.

Parents are encouraged to visit MaiaLearning and view their student’s file, which includes the college search, the personality test, learning styles inventory, college applications and deadlines, and career interest inventories. 

Each student and freshman parent(s) receive a unique registration code in the mail and via his or her listed AMHS e-mail in September.

Registration codes are used only once and are case sensitive. On your first visit, enter the code in the "New User" box then follow the on-screen instructions.

Sign-in as a returning user once you have registered. Your e-mail address is your username. Should you forget your password, Family Connection can send you a temporary password if you enter your e-mail address and click "forgot your password".


  • Is specific to AMHS.
  • Supports all aspects of the AMHS College Guidance Program.
  • Supports college, major, and career planning.
  • Is linked with Counselor’s Office, a service that your counselor uses to track data relating to the college
  • Is used by administrators, teachers, and the Scholarship Committee to complete student recommendations to colleges, to recognize students for specific awards and/or scholarships.

MaiaLearning can...

  • Create college plans.
  • Assist with preparation for the college entrance test SAT and ACT.
  • Save college searches.
  • Compare colleges.
  • Link students to the University of California, California State University applications and the Common
  • Application used by many private and public universities throughout the country.
    Link you to other selected third party resources (i.e. College Board-SAT, ACT, Financial Aid, NCAA-College Athletics).
  • Track college and scholarship deadlines.
  • Show schedule of college representatives visiting AMHS and in the area.
  • Send and receive e-mails.
  • Identify contacts at colleges.
  • Complete counseling and college related surveys.

MaiaLearning has a...

  • Complete free test preparation center for both the SAT and ACT.
  • Build your resume section.
  • Learning style inventory.
  • Personality type inventory.
  • Explore career interests inventory.
  • Local scholarship database that also includes many individual college campus scholarships.
  • Link to summer enrichment opportunities at various college campuses, summercamps, and internships.
  • Document library that contains AMHS specific items (i.e. SAT vs. ACT, college system comparison, interview questions, essay hints, parent night handouts).
  • College Resources link to “U.S. News & World Report” Jesuit Colleges and Universities, Virtual Campus Tours, Occupational Outlook Handbook and much more.

What can a freshman student do on MaiaLearning?

  • Complete the Learning Style Inventory.
  • Begin your college resume.
  • Link to College Board and Register for May or June SAT Subject Test. The Subject Test(s) are not required by most colleges, but some teachers may recommend taking the Subject Test in May or June. (i.e., Biology)
  • Explore enrichment programs for the summer.

What can a sophomore student do on MaiaLearning?

  • Link to College Board and Register for May or June SAT Subject Test(s). The Subject Test(s) are not required by most colleges, but some teachers may recommend taking the Subject Test in May or June. (i.e,, World History, Chemistry)
  • Continue to build your college resume.
  • Explore enrichment programs for the summer.
  • If applicable, complete the AMHS counselor College Athletic Interest Survey.
  • Complete the Personality Type Inventory and Explore Career Interest Inventory.

What can a junior student do on MaiaLearning?

  • Click on “test preparation” and take a free evaluation test for the SAT and ACT before signing up for outside classes.
  • Register in the fall to take the SAT and ACT during second semester of your junior year. Some students may need to schedule their first test for December.
  • Research colleges that require the SAT Subject Test(s)and register for May or June SAT Subject Test(s) on College Board.
  • Complete a College Search and begin a list of probable colleges, “my colleges”.
  • If applicable, complete the AMHS College Athletic Interest Survey.
  • Explore enrichment programs for the summer.
  • Complete the Personality Type Inventory and Explore Career Interest Inventory.
  • Continue to build your college resume.
  • Begin Scholarship List Search and begin a list of probable scholarships,” my scholarships”.

What can a Senior student do on MaiaLearning?

  • Register in the summer to take the SAT and ACT before December.
  • Finalize your college list by moving colleges from your probable college list to active colleges.
  • If applicable to your college application, complete the recommendation questions for your counselor and teacher.
  • Link to the Common Application on or after July 1st to begin the common sections and to link to the individual supplementary section for each college.
  • Research colleges and download applications that are not Common Application participants.
  • Link to the University of California (UC), California State University (CSU) application on or after October 1st.
  • Link to the California Community College system.