Charity Drives

Student Run Drive - Now Accepting Applications!

Student Run Drive Application Form 2023-24

Each year Archbishop Mitty hosts three school-wide drives.  Two of these are reoccurring drives in collaboration with outside organizations (Spirit Week food drive and Lenten Rice Bowl with Catholic Relief services).  The third drive each year is based on student interest and current events. 

This year the third drive will be held in early February 2024 and Campus Ministry is asking students to submit the above application in order to be considered for the February drive slot.  We have found that by limiting the number of school-wide drives each year we avoid the charity fatigue that comes with constant fundraising and allows us to dedicate our time and resources fully to each of these causes, yielding very successful outcomes for our drive partners.  If you have any questions about the drive application process please email Mr. Marheineke at