Student Government

Getting Involved in Student Government

Hey newest Monarchs!!!  Looking for a way to get involved in the Archbishop Mitty community?  Think you’re creative, energetic, and want to make a difference?  If leadership is your calling, then running for a position in Student Government as a freshman representative could be a great way for you to meet people, have fun, and make a name for yourself!

At the beginning of September, you’ll need to pay close attention for meetings that will be held for those students interested in running for office.  Although only nine students are elected, students get to use their creativity in making campaign posters for the whole school to see.  You may also have the opportunity to meet your entire class by giving an electoral speech.  How cool is that??

Make sure you stop by Student Activities during the first week of school in September for further details.  Every other class will have elected representatives in place, so feel free to ask them how AWESOME it is to be a class leader.  It’s a great way to meet friends, learn leadership skills, and make a difference in your class and our entire community.