
Purchasing Books at Archbishop Mitty High School

Summer Reading

Summer Reading is an important component of the English curriculum at Archbishop Mitty High School. The English Department selects works of literature to intrigue and challenge the minds of our students throughout the summer. Summer reading books are determined by a student’s English level placement (e.g., English I students will likely read different books than English I Accelerated students).  

Freshmen will be given more information about summer reading later in the spring after English course placements have been made.  Once students receive information about the summer reading program, they are required to purchase their own copies of the summer reading books. A list of those books can be found here and will be updated in early May.

Books For Freshman Courses

Buying books for school at Archbishop Mitty is a little different than at other schools.  Some books are ebooks and are downloaded onto the students’ iPads. Some books are traditional “bound” books and will need to be purchased.  Complete information about purchasing books for the 2024-2025 school year will be included in the “Summer Update” electronic newsletter that families will receive in July.